Cabana Massage


This is a unique site in that the client wanted a site to be used as a personal identity site, but not necessarily be used to bring in business. At the request of the client, the site serves more as a digital "business card" instead of having a marketing function to draw in new ccustomers.

As such, there was no need for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) nor any personal details. In fact this was a specific request to not have. So the design did not need fancy features, just content. Admittedly, I did add a bit of "flare". The site is a one page design using Javascript for the transitions.

In addition, instead of being a static HTML site, it's build using WordPress. This was because the client said she may want to create a blog and add articles in the future. This project showcases the versatility of WordPress. It can serve both sophisticated sites as well as simpler designs.

Cabana Massage

Cabana Massage

A digital business card site designed in WordPress. It's a single page layout with a Javascript base. We determined that WordPress was the way to go on this project as it allows the client to blog and create articles at a later date if she so chooses.